Martyred to mediocrity.


ANOTHER Waffles invite (sorry).

Kris Jensen Memorial Fund

December 12, 2004
12:18 AM

There's Always Tomorrow


For the past 2 months, I have had what amounts to a couple hundred christmas songs in random rotation playing in my home, in my car, and in my cubicle. This has been something of an annual tradition over the last few years�initially a symptom of morbid seasonal-affect depression�one that has fueled my blood-lust for mediocre holiday novelties ever since. My passion for Christmas music is beginning to approach caricature. Even still, I've been working on another Christmas EP that I think is going... as well as can be expected.

In other Holiday music news: I'm currently involved in an online charity auction through my job that at present promises to end embarrassingly low�not altogether unexpected, as my entry was, to be perfectly honest, sort of a cop out (I had intended to offer my services as a holiday DJ, but unfortunately the end date got bumped back). Even still, it's for charity. So if you feel like paying twenty bucks for a couple of CD-Rs, please: be my guest.

In other ridiculously specific holiday news: parenthetical girls (in some form or another) will be playing a house show in my home town of Everett, WA on Saturday the 18th with a random assortment high school friends (and one guy who once hired a perfect stranger to beat the shit out of me). I can't wait. email me if you want the info.

Finally, for your holiday listening pleasure, i'd like to offer my friends and fellow acquisition users a limited time chance to download an ancient holiday relic�Christmas with Swastika Girls. Please bear in mind that these songs were recorded under the influence of the season�not to mention a good deal of holiday spirits (rum + silknog=deadly combination4real)�onto cassette 8-track in a storage locker. bear in mind. anyway, without further ado...

When It's Time For Christmas
Over and Over Again, Forever
Somewhere in My Memory
Last Christmas


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The next entry: Christmas With Parenthetical Girls

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