The last I spoke on the matter, we were drinking from shells. We stopped doing that a long time ago.
The morning after, we woke up and hung out in Oakland for a bit. Jamie took us to the hippie grocery, that wasn't really a hippie grocery I decided, considering the Cheese Nips and 7up (though, 7up is all natural now, if you haven't heard). We all got coffee with David, and I caught up on what Seventeen magazine has been up to in the last six years since I was a member of their demographic. The answer is: not much.
That day we drove to San Francisco, allowing enough time to get our AC "recharged" at the local Jiffy Lube, and attempting and failing to eat in China Town. San Francisco, why is your street cleaning schedule so complicated? Good Lord, you were taxing our gig. But you were pretty to look at.
While parking in the alley behind the Hemlock, I have to mention that we rolled through a pile of human feces. Pretty foreboding, as well as totally disgusting. We have photos, but I'll spare all of us, and offer you, in lieu, this nice photo of Luke playing his penny whistle.

Pre-show, Matt shocked and amazed with his "Caveman laptop band". You wouldn't believe the sounds this man can produce. Out of a brick.

Anyhow, the Hemlock was and still is my personal favorite of this tour. It's not as if we had a particularly outstanding performance, but it felt really good. I was slightly tipsy, and fell into thinking about my Dad, and being alone in my bedroom the whole time we were playing. Also, it was rumored that M. Night Shyamalan (HUGE Barr fan) was in the audience, so we were all on our best, most civilized behaviour.

Barr's set was especially nice, we all danced.

That night, Zac and I went back to Jamie's while Matt and Brenna stayed with friends in SF. At Jamie's we found ourselves covered in mud.

That's REAL Dead Sea mud, from David's recent journey to Israel.
Thank you to Jamie, for being a gentleman and putting up with us for double the expectancy.
Anyhow, the Silverlake Lounge- we couldn't tell if it was divey in a "cool" way, or just "divey". Either way. We played with a band called "Foot Foot", who were incredibly nice people. My internet friends M. B. and K. H. came to the show, which was v. exciting for me. Internet friends, am I right? They were really cool.

"Foot Foot."
And oh yeah, despite the fact that friends and attendees were charged 7 dollars per head, we were not to be paid for our services that evening. Guess we should have signed a contract. Thanks Silverlake Lounge.
Later that night, we retired to David's plush San Pedro home. I took a lux. bath in an oversized tub- overall, we've been really lucky with our lodgings. I was prepared to "rough it", but haven't even had the chance yet. Not that I'm complaining. The next day, David took us to Sunken Beach, and almost took us to Cat Beach. Are those their proper names?

It's sunken.
I have to speak for all of us while thanking David 10 x's, who watched us play three times in a row, and skipped work to hang out with us, but who may or may not be a compulsive liar.

"David Horvitz and Brendan Fowler, being cool."
God, I am so behind and I apologize. I've been sick.
The previous entry: Seattle and Oakland.
The next entry: And we all made it out, unsniped and unraped.
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