![]() ![]() MATTHEW CARLSON A distant associate from the Parenthetical Girls' oft-heralded (pun?) Everett period, Matt collapsed beneath Zac's ceaseless pleas and joined the GRRRLS in the gloriously sweaty Spring of 2006, quickly positioning himself as the proverbial brains of the operation. The man to masochistically make sense of our whimsical meanderings, Matt helps to arrange most of the band's live material, as well as a healthy percentage of the sounds on the tapes. Oh, and he actually knows how to play his instruments. Plus, he's totally your go-to guy for all pressing film theory and American Minimalism concerns.BRENNA MURPHY The lady Murphy--she of irrepressible enthusiasm and fanciful eyebrow--held all too brief tenure as part of the Parenthetical Girls' summer 2006 touring ensemble. In spite of it's ultimate brevity, Brenna's stay as a GRRRL is remembered fondly for her wide-eyed appreciation of landscape, an unrelenting passion for bodies of water (both natural and chlorinated), and a brilliantly affected on stage nonchalance.JAMIE TOMASUNIS A resident of Czech Republic by way of the Northern Carolinas, Jamie was gracious enough to undertake the largely thankless task of carting us around the European continent. Due to unforeseen circumstances however, Jamie was forced to heroically take the reigns as (((GRRRLS))) touring keyboardist. A job she greeted with true and admirable professionalism. Her spirit continues on with us.EDWARD CRICHTON A longtime familiar of the (((GRRRLS))) conglomerate, young fashion plate Eddy joined the official fold during winter of 2006, and has since become an integral soldier in the band's collective war on better judgement--appearing on countless stages and in count-ful countries across the globe as the band's percussionist, keyboardist, satirist, and occasional guitarist. Eddy appears prominently on A Parenthetical Girls Family Christmas, and presumably on most subsequent recordings.KITTY JENSEN Fairest of flowers. A product of Chippewa Falls, WI - just like Annie Hall. Formerly of Jacqueline Bon Bon and current voice of Mighty Bells, Ms. Jensen is a peripheral force in Parenthetical Girls, gracing occasional recordings with her honey-warmed voice (and a good deal of feedback).SAM MICKENS As dignified as he is degenerate, Los Angeles-born Mickens is an integral member of the current Parenthetical Girls line-up--playing a multitude of instruments, singing words, and providing the band with a glamour absent in much of today's punk rock community. Finely coiffed and not nearly as much of an asshole as he comes off, the ol' gray ghost is also a member of the Dead Science, Clouds of Blood, and an occasional contributor to Xiu Xiu and the Degenerate Art Ensemble.JAMIE STEWART Everything you've ever heard is probably true. The main brains behind the band Xiu Xiu, Jamie was generous enough to contribute his masterful hand with progressive mixing of Parenthetical Girls' debut LP. Interests include: movies about sad Asian peoples, and bird watching.JONA BECHTOLT Along with formerly sharing living quarters with (((GRRRLS))) headquarters, Bechtolt has on occasion graciously accompanied Parenthetical Girls with science music. Bechtolt is best known for his work with The Blow and Y.A.C.H.T.JHEREK BISCHOFF Jherek is perhaps the most invaluable member of Parenthetical Girls - providing a passable understanding of just about every instrument we've ever used, and the patience of an old owl. When he's not refining his vast wardrobe, Jherek plays drums, horns, strings, and "produces" our records (read: turns our confused collision of sounds into "actual songs"). He is also a member of the Dead Science, Pablo Neruda, Clouds of Blood, Ribbons, and an occasional contributor to Xiu Xiu, the Degenerate Art Ensemble, and Casiotone For the Painfully Alone.JEREMY COOPER Co-founding member of Swastika Girls, Jeremy helped to write the vast majority of the (((GRRRLS))) record (though between you and me, probably wishes he hadn't), and provides thankless moral support to the band's current line-up. Jeremy was also a member of the now-defunct Display, and is currently working on new music.ZAC PENNINGTON Sings the words. No longer wears the dresses. Still makes matters difficult.E. SCOTT YATES A member of Swastika Girls, Yates spent a good deal of his membership living alone in a tent amongst the wilds of suburban Western Washington. Though only appearing on that band's Christmas With... EP, his presence casts something of an unshakable shadow over the Parenthetical Girls' current aesthetic.RACHAEL JENSEN After years of flirting with the distinction, the fair and fanciful Rachael Jensen became a proper member of the Parenthetical Girls in the Spring of 2006. The band's de facto spiritual guide, without Jensen's presence it's safe to say that the Parenthetical Girls would now only be a distant memory. Through no small amount of concentration, the lady J now holds the second longest tenure in the touring ensemble, and plays virtually every instrument besides the ones that she actually wants to play.OWEN ASHWORTH Lead keyboardist for German electronic ensemble Casiotone For the Painfully Alone, Herr Ashworth has on roughly a half-dozen occasions collaborated live with members of Parenthetical Girls in the experimental free jazz trio Digital E.T. -- or alternately, Casiotone For the Punctuationally Over-Zealous (CFTPOZ). Though his globe-hopping commitments as part of the upper echelon of the international electronic community make it nearly impossible for Owen to make any long-term commitments to (((GRRRLS))), he has graciously donated a number (that number being two) of instrumental tracks that occasionally aid our band in live performances, and regularly covers the song "Love Connection."REBECCA CARLISLE-HEALY Ms. C-H--presently of Flaspar and The World Court--held brief court as a GRRRL, occasionally performing live with the band (glockenspiel, keyboards, etc.), as well as lending her voice to recordings. Also: this website. The good parts, anyways. |